AI-powered image search and style finder

Our easy-to-use search and look builder tool offers advanced image-to-product identification directly within your website.

Shop that Look Header

"76% of people buy what they see"

Build a look to increase AOV by 20%

AI powered image search

AI powered image search

Our AI model analyses reference images, styles and product types.

Look builder

Look builder

An auto-generated mood board pulls together all the componants of the reference image using the nearest matching products from your store.

Save to the basket

Save to the basket

Products are added directly to a customer's basket for checkout.

Save Design

No onboarding or creation of new assets

We use computer vision to pair the AI designs with products from your catalogue so that customers are informed of relevant products that match their style choices.

AI image generation from Onfigr
unlimited possibilities

Find products 10x faster than conventional methods

Our ingenious tech searches your product library in seconds and picks out products that match the reference image.

This allows customers to very quickly find products based on images they have seen online.

Help customers find images 10 times faster

The essential tools you need for more intelligent business decisions

Track popular product and customer engagement

In-built Analytics allows you to track key business data on how well your products perform - giving you the key information you need to make business decisions that drive consumer growth.

Track product popularity, customer visits and sales leads all in our in-built analytics tools.


Home interior customers use our products annually

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